isn't it funny, just when the clouds get as black as they can, suddenly someone does something nice.. they say you need a village to raise a child and i think this could be true but here in the west, i think for a lot of us that doesn't exist - for different reasons. mostly we all rush around doing things and dont notice maybe someone needs us.
First time taking my things to a wedding fair. Dresses and jewellery there were beautiful and a chocolate fountain very close to me :) - there is a place on Hastings pier in the summer that makes lovely chocolate strawberrys
Strolling round Ikea, checking out all the lights, storage and small things, meatballs with lingonberry sauce, daim cake. Like a theme park for homesick Swedes - the odd elk crossing the route from time to time, would be fun :O)
Sometimes find communication tough either because you cant find words or what comes out of your mouth isn't what you mean. Talking is easy but maybe not communicating .. someone told me about a book written about this and found this website
"To begin at the beginning: It is spring, moonless night in the small town, starless and bible-black, the cobblestreets silent and the hunched, courters'-and-rabbits' wood limping invisible down to the sloeblack, slow, black, crowblack, fishingboat-bobbing sea. The houses are blind as moles (though moles see fine tonight in the snouting, velvet dingles)..."
..or maybe discovered a design flaw in nissan cars.. turned on the engine and closed the car door, to keep the car warm while scraping frost off the windscreen and got locked out.. with my house keys, bag and phone in the car. Didn't think this was possible. Several hours later and slightly blue from frostbite, a man from nissan turned up with a skeleton key. Seems ice can get down into the lock and somehow short circuit the system and lock the car. Have a more interesting theory.. little green men with remote controls. (save the wombat)
Last night an almost full moon turned the fields and hedges around to silver while large clouds billowed across the sky - seems incredible that across an ocean it's still afternoon and across another ocean it's already tomorrow, but we all look at the same moon.
Underneath the Downs here in Sussex, hoping for more snow but seems rain after all.If you are in work on Friday... its 'Stress down Friday', wear your slippers and take it easy.
Swimming outside this morning - running to the pool was almost brave (the water was heated) and now a small snow storm, maybe more tomorrow :)