Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Monday, 29 November 2010

thankyou to my mum and dad who went out today with me
on a cold frosty day to look for a winter coat, so i wouldnt be cold
and to my son for the frosty polar bear and tommy cooper dvd
and the card with hundreds of kisses and also big thankyou

to whoever bought one of my photos of Scotland, the first one thats sold

Friday, 12 November 2010

Freya and Snorre

Handmade in Sweden and just arrived in Honey Beeswax store

Monday, 8 November 2010

never seen the barometer so low as today, almost off the scale, outside very stormy weather even kenny stayed in, no vole hunting today and as leaves blew around and up in the air saw a very large olive colored bird, pale green underneath and big feet, blow past in the wind too and sheltered for a while at the top of the wooden stairs, outside the garage opposite, kenny's favorite place to snooze and watch the world - just for a moment hoped maybe it was the hawk from the summer but probably a green woodpecker. still feel sad about this

Monday, 1 November 2010

Mango Chutney

Because everything seems to be turning gold outside. leaves, pumpkins, bonfire, fireworks - mango chutney using cardamon pods and ginger