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..days like this
Last night a little terrier rushed out of the darkness, leaping
and sniffing at anything,, wagging its tail like it was trying
to take off :)
Even later there was a mighty rustle in some bushes and
felt a little frightened and something small and compact
rushed across the garden.. thought for a moment it might
be a deer.. but little terrier bouced back.. looked at the collar
for idea what to do and her name was Marge
mysteriousness of life.. got up in early hours, with wind rustling the last few leaves on the trees to look for falling stars.. clouds drifted away and saw the stars all around and finally one by one, four shooting stars crackled across the night sky, the last one low on the horizon as somewhere in the almost morning, a rooster welcomed in the morning
thinking it is a litle cold tonight, then remembered night in the ice hotel, and its really toasty here..
unbelievable -25 degrees that night and retreated to a warm room during the night.. :)
Owls hooting away and its 11.11.11 wondering if something significant will happen today
Out walking, noticed a deer in the middle of the field in the mist,
completly still, looked again and there was nothing thereprobably small significant things happen all the time
just need to slow down to see them
An asteroid is passing very close to Earth tonight within 202,000 miles of our planet and within the moon's orbit. That sounds pretty close to me in the scheme of the Universe.