Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Went to see 'the Grey' and if would have been possible to climb under my seat, i would have done. we were expecting an action film, in the Artic...and it definitly is both. Liam Neelson is rugged thoughtful hero but there were many scenes i couldnt watch

Somedays later and read that there is a final scene after the credits we missed and i wish we had seen this.. but we had already left the cinema, a little stunned

Think it was moving that Liam Neelson's character called out to God for help at the end and nothing happened and so he muttered that he would do it himself. makes you wonder

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Monday, 23 January 2012

walking in Petworth Park, felt like being part of a painting. a huge wintery space, lakes and rolling downs with clusters of sweet chestnut trees on top of them and somewhere deers. designed by Capability Brown and painted by JMW Turner, a frequent visitor, very lovely

Monday, 16 January 2012

"Inspire them (next generation) to dream the impossible and the possible will happen" Eugene Cernan, Commander Apollo 17 - Last man on the Moon - Dec 18th 1972


Leonardslee Wallabies - environmentally friendly mowing machines

Please open Leonardslee Garden to the public in the spring

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Guerrilla Gardener

Noticed for no reason that i can explain, a really old oak tree, smothered in ivy, so next time walked by brought a saw and some loppers and cut through the ivy at the base. Felt sort of furtive walking with my saw and loppers, like a guerrilla gardener who i think are great ..and think will try and save more, as many trees that came down in recent storms were smothered in ivy.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Turning Points

Always looking for answers

Turning points booklet.pdf on the home page


seems the 'hugging hormone' - oxytocin helps.
Maybe animals in residence at hospitals, hugs as greeting in meetings :)
... and doctors could greet patients with a hug as well as prescribe


Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year..

Wishing you everything you wish yourself and much Happiness