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my son was chipping balls down a golf driving range this afternoon, inspired he told me by Tiger Woods and seems to have a very relaxed swing
and they have.. they seem very fond of cheese and heard the Simpsons in the middle of the night.. could the underpant gnomes be large hungry mice who like the Simpsons ...
late and my black cat is snoozing away
funny comment from my son still makes me smile, think ill be looking in the fridge in the morning, to see if the underpant gnomes have visited us again
feeling sort of blue today and maybe a little overwhelmed.. went for a walk up on the downs and almost blew away, but not completly and nightime the wind was so strong, very sleepy today as half awake all night listening to the trees blowing around outside...
Remember a German ballad about the willow king or erlkonig my mum told us when we were small. It begins with a farmer riding home with his son on horseback across the marshes one dark windy night... and the boy sees and hears things the father does not. He hears the willow king calling to him again and again with promises. The farmer tries to reassure him it is just a wisp of fog, rustling leaves or the shimmering willows but he urges his horse and they ride ever faster through the windy dark night and he looks down at his son and sees him pale and sick so they ride ever faster but when he gets to his farm as the morning light is breaking and he looks down distraut at his son, reallises it was too late
think the baby hawks may now be having flying lessons thou still being fed... loud desperate squawking sometimes from the top of one tree then another when their parents swoop in from the downs like precision red devil pilots
monday morning and no sign yesterday of the baby hawk on the ground althou could hear the rest up in the nest but early this morning, about 6am, loud noise outside and saw maybe similar little bird on the grass and it flew up into a tree and think this is the thought im going to try and keep
all by himself. During the day and yesterday put him back up the tree several times but then saw him looking more and more dejected, hopping around on the ground. onetime back up the tree, one of the parents landed on a branch nearby and he began flapping his wings but when i looked again he was hanging upside down, clinging on with his big feet, like a little bat
hope he keeps safe tonight

for some weeks been hearing strange squawks from the very top of a fir tree.. then today, this little chap was sitting on the grass looking little cross
worried the local cats might eat him, so tried to see where he was going but he ran out onto the road and finally scooped him up and got a ladder and tried to put him back on a branch to be rescued but um think he may have jumped again..
anyone seeing this small man with big yellow feet and looking sort of grumpy.. please send him home :)