feeling sort of blue today and maybe a little overwhelmed.. went for a walk up on the downs and almost blew away, but not completly and nightime the wind was so strong, very sleepy today as half awake all night listening to the trees blowing around outside...
Remember a German ballad about the willow king or erlkonig my mum told us when we were small. It begins with a farmer riding home with his son on horseback across the marshes one dark windy night... and the boy sees and hears things the father does not. He hears the willow king calling to him again and again with promises. The farmer tries to reassure him it is just a wisp of fog, rustling leaves or the shimmering willows but he urges his horse and they ride ever faster through the windy dark night and he looks down at his son and sees him pale and sick so they ride ever faster but when he gets to his farm as the morning light is breaking and he looks down distraut at his son, reallises it was too late
Sahara Project
1 day ago