Strange feeling when you know you are dreaming but almost awake.. and the dream doesnt make sense and you keep looking for it to make sense and then you wake up and reallise it was a dream. remember in my dream swimming out to sea not really sure why i was there and reallised had no back up boat, it was getting dark and not sure where the person was i was swimming with and dilemma to find the person or go back to the shore without them, then reallised possibility they had already turned back and i should too. remember worrying about sharks but dont think there are any round here
funny thing reallise this is a memory of something that really happened that had forgotton about ...with friends, swimming of the shore late November, hadnt thought about the tides, we all got back ok but i was the last ..the tides were so strong and as it was getting dark all directions looked the same. someone came back in to help me. afterwards we walked back along the beach and noticed that the boxes with life rings were broken and life rings missing
Sahara Project
1 day ago
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